For our digi-pak i have been doing some research into various artists' album covers;to get inspiration for our own album cover and digipak. Below are some of the album covers that stood out to me and i think some of the styles ,layouts and fonts of the album covers would suit the music genre of our album i think that we
could include some of the themes and designs within our own digipak .

Amy Winehouse's back to back album cover is very simplistic ,however the font on the album cover stood out to me. Her name(the name of the artist ) is in bold large font which stands out and goes across the picture. The style of the font suits the album and represents the artist Amy Winehouse who was a bold artist . for our album cover this type of font could suit our album cover and we additionally be effective . in addition i like the colour grading used which gives the album cover a golden look. however there is no use of bright colours which i think works for this album . if we were to experiment with colour grading this would be a good example to follow

Duffy's album cover for Rockferry stood out to me though it is very simplistic i liked the colour grading used. her style of her music and voice is very retro this could be the reason why they have chosen to use the black and white colour grading as it represents a dated look if we were to use black and white colour grading for our album cover /digipak this would be a prime example , in the planning processes we have considered using black and white colour grading as we feel it would suit the album . Her name on the album cover is like a signature font and gives it an added elegance to the cover whilst the name of the album is in white bold large font unlike Amy's Back to black her name appears smaller than the name of the album but if we were to use this style of font we would probably make the name of the artist larger .

The little dragon album cover, sunshine stood out to me because of the bright bold colour's ,which gives the album a playful and fun feel to it . I like the scenery in the back drop as it adds to the quirkiness of the group .Even though i like the bright and bold colours used , we would not use them for our album cover, as in the planning process we decided that we would go for a simplistic feel to our album cover as we feel it would suit our artist more . However what we could consider using is the type of font that they have used on their cover ;as i like the design of the font ,the name of the group is bold and does not go across the artist's like in Duffy's and Winehouses cover but still manages to stand put against the busy and colorful backdrop however we would make the name of the album stand out more as it is not bold enough to stand out against the background.

The font of the little mix's album cover stood out to me as i like the positioning of the name of the album and the band name . in addition the name of the group is big bold and colorful and it stands out against the colours around. the colour grading is a mixture of black and white ;this could be a good idea for our album cover if we were to go with the black and white colour grading .however though the big font is effective for this album cover for ours i do not think that it would be suitable as it would consume the space on the cover . Though the colour grading is mostly black and white hints/splash of colour show through we could experiment with this effect on our album cover as i think it adds a playful and youthful feel to the album without going over board .

Rihanna's disturbia remixes album is very simplistic her face acts as a back drop for the album as it is central to the cover .if we were to use a close up shot of the artist ,this would be a good example to follow. In the preparation process we discussed using a range of shots for our Digipaks and a closeup shot of the artist was one that we could consider using . The font of the title is very simplistic i think the size of the font is just right for the cover but for our digipak cover we may consider making the font of the name of the album larger . however i do like the size of the artists name displayed . we could consider using a range of different colours i do like the font though it is very simple .They have not experimented with effects for the album cover they have used the real colours from the actual picture. however we have discussed using colour grading for our Digipaks.

i have already started drawing up some ideas for our digipak we have decided that the name of our album could be songs in motion the album cover will not reflect the meaning of the title like little dragon's sunshine album .
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