The font is basic however the pink is additionally made to embody the barbie image with the font being made to look similar to barbie
the parental advisory shows that this album may contain explicit lyrics .
her song titles are in list form the barbie theme continues on the back
the CD album does not permit piracy
the photo on the CD is made to look like barbie Nicki Minaj is up-holding her "image" her make-up and hair is exactly the same as barbie . we as consumers do not take her seriously because of her expressions on the album we can
tell that it is playful

the cover is focused on her with a close up shot of Lana Del Rey not only are they selling the album they are selling the artist here the rose piercing her lips ties in with the title of her album "Born to die "
her make up is 60's based with thick ,black eyeliner and a hint of white liner and fake ,bold eyelashes it is dynamic but simple.
her name is bold and highlighted but the title of the album is faded this is Lana's first album so making her name the central focus could
draw more attention to the artist the colour of the rose is a vibrant and makes a good addition to the album
The album cover is focused on Beyonce they are selling her as an artist highlighting her body as her first solo album they have chosen to place the artist on the cover to introduce her to consumers even though this is not her first time releasing an album (destiny child ) the album genre is R&B her outfit fits the conventions of a female r&b artist showing off her body and she is "Glammed" up wearing a crystals/diamonds top .
the font shows beyonce's name in bold and the title of the album in a smaller less bolder font this could show that they are selling the artist as Beyonce is making her debut as a solo artist so people /consumers will be familiar with the artist .
The album cover is simple this is the Milk's debut album they are a band however they are not shown on the album cover they have decided to take a different take to it this makes the album more intriguing . the band's name is the milk they have placed a cat masked on a man as cat's drink milk this has a funny yet serious feel to it as the masked man is holding a gun however the album does not have a parental advisory tag on it this could suggest that the album does not have explicit content within it .
the name of the band is in black bold font they are introducing a new band and are selling them in the process
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